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Go Away Blackheads!

Diposkan: 22 November 2017 - 11:52 Dibaca: 1592 kali

Duh, blackheads. The ultimate source of face problem. When will your face ever look good with small bumps of black hills all over your nose? Blackheads appear due to clogged pores and because of those clogged pores; the pores form small bumps with black top. It’s not even a good kind of cherry-on-top ice cream thing.

However, not only due to clogged pores, there are also several factors that can caused blackheads such as too much oil on your face, dead skin cells that doesn’t got to exfoliate and taking certain drugs. Your diet can also be the blame. Too much dairy products such as cheese and milk can increase your blood sugar levels and trigger the appearance of blackheads and acne.

Instead of learning thousand ways to remove your blackheads, learn 3 ways to prevent it from happening!

Wash regularly

You need to wash your face regularly. Once when you wake up and once when you went to sleep. Don’t forget to clean your face from make up with a makeup remover then proceed with facial foam to make it squeaky clean. Washing too much can be harsh for your skin because it will strip the natural oil of your face. Wash it exactly twice a day for a good and normal wash cycle.

Exfoliate regularly

Other than washing your face regularly, you also need to exfoliate your face to remove the dead skin cells. Search exfoliating products that suitable for your skin. For sensitive skin, it is advisable to use a mild exfoliate scrub.

Use water-based instead of oil-based products

Excess oil is a no-no for acne prone skin so you need to switch it up to water-based products. Products that contain oil can caused blackheads. 

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